01/21/2025 - Report #827 - Victim: Portia Louise Rowland - Location: Collinsville, IL

MCS Report #827

Classification: Homicide

Requesting Agency: Collinsville Police Department

Date of Activation: 01/21/2025

Commander and Department:  Lt. Eric Owen, Collinsville PD

Deputy Report Officer and Department: Lt. Keith Jackson, Collinsville PD

Deputy Report Officer and Department: Sgt. Paul Clark, Madison County Sheriff’s Department

Victim: Portia Louise Rowland

Suspects: Sammy J. Schafer, Gary Johnson, and Marty D. Shaw

The Collinsville Police Department requested the assistance of the Major Case Squad in investigating the death of Portia Rowland (age 32). At approximately 6:06am, officers responded to the 1300 block of Olive Street for a report of gunshots. There they found Portia lying on her driveway. She had been shot and was pronounced dead on scene.

As a result of this investigation, the following criminal charges were issued in connection with Portia’s death:

  • Sammy Schafer - 2 counts 1st Degree Murder and 2 counts of Solicitation/Murder-for-Hire

  • Gary Johnson - 2 counts 1st Degree Murder and 1 count Possession of Firearm

  • Marty Shaw - 2 counts 1st Degree Murder

PastKathy Effan